I love food, so while I was overjoyed to be blessed with otherwise healthy children, the diagnosis of their (multiple) food allergies meant that their childhood was likely to be quite different to mine when it came to food!
I searched for websites and Facebook support groups that would tell me whether it was ok to still give regular toast to my toddler despite his crawling baby sibling having a wheat allergy and potentially inhaling it off the floor. I wondered whether eating out locally would be possible, let alone being on a longhaul airplane trip and then in a foreign country where food allergies may not even be a “thing”, let alone translating Japanese characters into English for us to be able to read!
But rather than helpful tips, I often just came across many sad stories.
Every child’s sensitivity is different, and you and your allergy specialist know your children best, but I wanted to share our experiences of living with food allergies - whether it be at home (when your children have multiple different allergies), and also share our experiences at restaurants and on airlines that have managed and catered for allergies well. Hopefully some of these tips will be helpful to you and your family!
I think that by recognising the restaurants and airlines that DO take allergies seriously (and by seriously, I mean, taking care to ensure the allergens are not in the food - not just copping out and saying that everything may contain traces and saying it’s best not to eat there), it will help all families with allergies by raising the profile and rewarding those that cater for people with food allergies well. Because catering well for food allergies often means loyal, repeat return business!
The more information available, the easier life is for us allergy mums, so if you would like to share stories or advice on this website that may help other allergy mums, please contact me!
A dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free, egg-free chocolate cupcake!